Hi, I'm Julia! 🌻
I'm the founder of Pine & Joy Paper co. Here you'll find everything from vinyl stickers and keychains, to home decor & more! By shopping small, you are allowing me, an independent artist, to pursue my dreams! Your support means the world to me.

a bit more about me...
I was born and raised in Grey Bruce, and just recently moved to Gatineau, QC. My hobbies include soaking up the sun, drawing, and being with my pups! I'm a proud dog momma to Embar & Mabel with my fiancé Liam.
I work full-time in healthcare, so when I'm not working, I'm busy planning my next collection. Pine & Joy has really allowed me to expand my creative side.
Over the four years, Pine & Joy has grown so much. I'm incredibly thankful for all of the support, and I'm so excited to continue creating for you all. 💛
Create with love,
My small business journey in photos📷
I post my latest drops, product restocks, markets, and more on Instagram @pineandjoypaperco!